The Inaugural Beer Push Message Hall of Fame Awards

07.13.24 08:17 AM By Ross

Push messages are an amazing tool for keeping guests engaged. A well-crafted message from your brewery's app can bring smiles to your customers' faces and trigger cravings for a trip back to the taproom. Let's take a look at seven push messages from TapWyse customers that "accomplished the mission." Each of these tiny messages is a mini-masterclass in beer marketing. They are ready to be tweaked for your brewery and sent to your guests too! Be sure to read to the end because we saved the best for last!

​Seven Awesome Push Messages Your Brewery Can Use to Bring Guests Back

Why it's a winner: A new beer release is the perfect excuse for a push message. We thought this fresh-tap message was particularly excellent because of how well 8-bit Aleworks knows their customers. 8-Bit is a gaming themed brewery. The title of their new beer, Untitled Gose Game, plays perfectly with their guests. Not to mention the ridiculous, all-caps, HONK at the end. We couldn't help but chuckle when we saw this. Push message perfection achievement unlocked!

Why it's a winner: Commonhouse also knows their customers well (a recurring theme is forming). Music is a big part of their vibe. Sending out their weekend lineup ahead of time is hugely appreciated by their guests and helps them plan their visits. We especially like how they pack the whole weekend into a single push but still make it easy to read. Rock on Commonhouse!

Why it's a winner: Rouleur Brewing Company has a small-ish taproom in an office park where they recently opened a deli. They have quickly become famous with the locals for their Tri Tip Fridays. We love this message for two reasons: First, the reminder is a big value add for their app users who can order ahead to make sure they get their sando before they run out. Second, Rouleur is adjacent to TapWyse headquarters! On Fridays, this message hits us right around the time we start getting hungry. It has helped us pivot our lunch plans from salads to tri tip on more than one occasion! Thank you Rouleur for keeping us well fed and hydrated!

Why it's winner: Local Roots Kombucha sent this message on a slow Thursday afternoon that also happened to be February 1st. Within an hour, 30 people had opened a tab in the taproom & redeemed their reward. The timing of this message was perfect! We also love the tongue-and-cheek use of the slightly smiling emoji and how they coupled the message with a use-it or lose-it reward! Those Booches at Local Roots hit the nail on the head with this one!

Why it's winner: Steel Bonnet Brewing Company sent this message out as part of 12 days of BEER-MAS campaign. To be honest, the entire campaign deserves to be in the Hall of Fame! They ran it in a fun way with a daily use-it or lose-it rewards during a time of year that could otherwise be slow. We particularly love this message because Dr. Seuss himself (god rest his soul) could not have come up with a better rhyme. Seriously. Say it out loud. It friggin' rhymes! Thank you Steel Bonnet for bringing some extra joy to our holiday season.

Why it's winner: Dogleg Brewing Company is a golf-themed brewery with a simulator in the taproom. Members at Dogleg receive a 4-pack and simulator time each month. We love this message because Dogleg targeted only their members who had yet to redeem their rewards for the month. Typically, 70% of the members who receive reward reminders like this will come in during the last week of the month and open a tab. We also have to call out the excellent and on-brand use of the word swing in the message! You really aced this one Dogleg! 

Why it's the best: Drop the mic! Pikes Peak Beer has claimed the top spot in the first ever Beer Push Message Hall of Fame Awards. We applaud your direct and hilarious approach, and we're sure that your customers do too! 

Honorable Mentions and Future Hall of Famers: We know that far more Hall of Fame worthy messages have been sent than we were able to showcase here. We want to apologize to the many AMAZING breweries we missed that keep their guests coming back with top-shelf messages. If you have a message we missed this time around, please send it to us so we can share it with Wyse beer marketers in the future! 

Bring Your Guests Back with Push Messages

If you're interested in harnessing the power of the Push Message at your brewery then we'd love to talk. There's no better time to get started than now. Schedule a demo with us today.